
“Blogging is the best way to study”

Hi, I’m Dang.NH (Mark)

I was born in a middle-class family in suburban Hanoi, Vietnam. When I was twelve, our family got the first Computer, and I experienced “love at first sight” (yeah at 12 years old). I asked my parents to buy a yearly subscription of Echip – the only “computer” magazine in Vietnam and my only source of knowledge at the time (around 2005). And then 2008, The Internet has finally reached our house. I got drawn right into Yahoo! Chat, Google, hacking… and Pascal. That is how it all started.

  • 2005: Broke 1 hard drive, 1 motherboard, 1 DVD disc drive… Got beaten > 3 times
  • 2007: Stole piggy money to buy my first flash USB flash drive (an USB comes with a flash light). Got caught. Got beaten.
  • 2010:
    • Became Moderator of Joomla! box of ITVNN forum (largest IT forum in Vietnam at that time).
    • Became Moderator of Local Attack of VHC – Vietnamese Hacking Community.
    • Started to earn money by creating website with Joomla!
And I started to love the PHP language. Stuck with it since then. (To be honest, I am starting a love affair with Python and Data Science)
I forsaken Pascal.

This is my Blog 😀 If you find it interesting or useful or wrong or anything, please leave a comment. I would appreciate it very much!

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dang-nguyen-4027458b/

My Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-Nguyen-96

My Resumé: Nguyen-Hai-Dang
